
This site was started as a diary/journal for my senior internship at a therapeutic riding center while completing my bachelor’s degree at Spalding University. Click on the tab above titled Therapeutic Riding Center to read about my adventures learning how put my extensive horse experience to work as a volunteer who helps disabled riders!

4 responses to “About

  1. Great job, good format and easy on the eyes.
    Best of luck!

  2. Hi Kirsten, Thank you for following me on Twitter. I don’t get much time to work with Twitter or my blog, as I am so busy with my large family (8 kids) and my 7 days a week at the farm, working life. I am not moaning, I wouldn’t be without either.
    Good luck with your volluntering, and please keep intouch.

  3. Hi Kirsten,
    Just went through my Twitter inbox again, came across your name and here I am! Say, we’ve got a riding school close by our guesthouse in S-India. If you ever feel like it, exploring your concept with handicapped children (abundant in India), feel free to contact me.

    See ya around,

    • Hi Camille!

      Thank you so much – I am now working full time as a freelance writer & editor, so I will definitely keep that in mind!

      Kirsten E. Silven

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